the intersection of two streets; "standing on the corner watching all the girls go by" 同义词:corner, street corner
an event marking a unique or important historical change of course or one on which important developments depend; "the agreement was a watershed in the history of both nations" 同义词:landmark, watershed
turning pointとは意味:turning point 転機 てんき 転換期 てんかんき 分かれ道 別れ路 別れ道 分れ道 わかれみち 分かれ目 別れ目 わかれめ 変わり目 かわりめ 山場 やまば 曲り角 まがりかど 曲り目 まがりめ turning point meaning: Noun: turning point turning poynt An event marking a unique or important historical change of course or one on which important developments depend - landmark , watershed ...turning point en francais:au tournent, moment critique (stade où les choses changent et où on recommence à nouveau)turning point artinya:selekohturning point 뜻:phrase, 변환점, 전(환)기, 위기turning point перевод:1) поворотный пункт; решающий момент; кульминация 2) кризис, перелом; критическая точка 3) мат. экстремум поворотный пункт